One word substitution for Fear or Phobia

Some one-word substitution Fear or Phobia

fear or phobia

one-word substitution

one word substitution for SSC CGL

An extreme or irrational fear of heightsAcrophobia
Extreme superstition regarding the number thirteenTriskaidekaphobia
Fear of deathThanatophobia
Fear of medicationPharmacophobia
An extreme or irrational fear of the night or of darknessNyctophobia
An extreme fear of wind or draftsMenemophobia
Obsessive fear of wordsLogophobia
An irrational and intense fear of travelHodophobia
Excessive fear or aversion to obtaining pleasureHedonophobia
Fear of diseaseHaemetophobia
Fear of womenGynephobia
Fear of writing or handwritingGraphophobia
Fear of knowledgeGnosiophobia
Fear of old ageGeraphobia
Physical or psychological fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourseGenophobia
Fear of getting married, being in a relationship, or commitmentGamophobia
An abnormal and persistent fear of work or finding employmentErgophobia
An abnormal and persistent fear of drinking alcoholDipsophobia
A delusion of being possessed by evil spiritsDemonomania
Fear of dogsCynophobia
An extreme or irrational fear of confined placesClaustrophobia
Fear of timeChronophobia
A dislike of being in the centerCentrophobia
An extreme fear of beautyCellophobia
Fear of ugliness and things that are uglyCacophobia
Fear or hatred of booksBibliophobia
An abnormal and persistent fear of depthsBathophobia
Fear of being egotistical, being alone or isolatedAutophobia
An emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eatAnorexia
An abnormal fear of heightsAltophobia
A phobia of painAlgophobia
An extreme or irrational fear of open or public placesAgoraphobia
An irrational fear of fresh air or drafts of airAerophobia
tags:-one word substitution for ssc cgl ,30 one word substitution,one word substitution examples,word substitution

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