Important and common Antonyms/Opposite words list
मंगलवार, 24 नवंबर 2020
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Common Antonyms list:
#100 opposite words in English, #List of opposite words
1. Above | below |
2. Absent | present |
3. Accident | intent |
4. Accomplishment | failure |
5. Achieve | fail |
6. Add | subtract |
7. Adjacent | distant |
8. Admire | detest |
9. Admit | reject |
10. Adore | hate |
11. Advance | retreat |
12. Affirm | deny |
13. Afraid | confident |
14. After | before |
15. Aid | hinder |
16. Alarm | comfort |
17. Alert | asleep |
18. Alive | dead |
19. Allow | forbid |
20. Alone | together |
21. Amateur | professional |
22. Amuse | bore |
23. Ancient | modern |
24. Annoy | soothe |
25. Answer | question |
26. Apparent | obscure |
27. Argue | agree |
28. Arrive | depart |
29. Arrogant | humble |
30. Ascend | descend |
31. Attack | defend |
32. Attract | repel |
33. Awake | asleep |
34. Awkward | graceful |
35. Back | front |
36. Bad | good |
37. Beautiful | ugly |
38. Before | after |
39. Bent | straight |
40. Better | worse |
41. Big | little |
42. Birth | death |
43. Bitter | sweet |
44. Black | white |
45. Blunt | sharp |
46. Body | soul |
47. Bold | timid |
48. Bottom | top |
49. Brave | cowardly |
50. Break | repair |
51. Brief | long |
52. Bright | dull |
53. Bring | remove |
54. Boy | girl |
55. Busy | idle |
56. Buy | sell |
57. Capture | release |
58. Cause | effect |
59. Cautions | careless |
60. Center | edge |
61. Change | remain |
62. Cheap | expensive |
63. Child | adult |
64. Chilly | warm |
65. Clean | dirty |
66. Close | open |
67. Cold | hot |
68. Command | obey |
69. Complex | simple |
70. Compliment | insult |
71. Constant | variable |
72. Continue | interrupt |
73. Cool | warm |
74. Copy | original |
75. Countrymen | foreigner |
76. Crazy | sane |
77. Crooked | straight |
78. Cruel | kind |
79. Cry | laugh |
80. Curse | bless |
81. Damage | improve |
82. Dark | light |
83. Dawn | sunset |
84. Day | night |
85. Deep | shallow |
86. Destroy | create |
87. Difficult | easy |
88. Dim | bright |
89. Divide | unite |
90. Doubt | trust |
91. Drunk | sober |
92. Dull | sharp |
93. Dumb | smart |
94. Earth | sky |
95. Easy | hard |
96. Elementary | advanced |
97. End | begin |
98. Even | odd |
99. Evening | morning |
100. Evil | good |
101. Exceptional | common |
102. Expand | shrink |
103. Fail | pass |
104. Failure | success |
105. False | true |
106. Famous | unknown |
107. Fancy | plain |
108. Fast | slow |
109. Fat | thin |
110. Fiction | fact |
111. Find | lose |
112. Finish | start |
113. Firm | flabby |
114. Fix | break |
115. Follow | lead |
116. Forgive | blame |
117. Forward | backward |
118. Fresh | stale |
119. Free | restricted |
120. Friend | enemy |
MOST IMPORTANT "ANTONYMS" ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
1. Inevitable | Avoidable |
2. Exceptional | Common |
3. Permanent | Temporary |
4. Dim | Luminous |
5. Reckless | Careful |
6. Explicit | Ambiguous |
7. Incredible | Believable |
8. Repel | Attract |
9. Rapidly | Slowly |
10. Meticulous | Careless |
11. Barbarous | Civilized |
12. Successor | Predecessor |
13. Urban | Rural |
14. Conclusive | Indecisive |
15. Terminate | Begin |
16. Niggardly | Lavishly |
17. Advanced | Receded |
18. Enlightened | Ignorant |
19. Moderate | Extreme |
20. Superficial | Thorough |
21. Scorn | Admiration |
22. Trivial | Serious |
23. Loquacious | Reserved |
24. Confiscate | Release |
25. Often | Rarely |
26. Eminent | Notorious |
27. Embark upon | Conclude |
28. Diffidence | Boldness |
29. Paucity | Plenty |
30. Triggered | Choked |
31. Fastidious | Adjustable |
32. Grandiose | Simple |
33. Bleak | Bright |
34. Insolent | Humble |
35. Lurid | Mild |
36. Unscrupulous | Conscientious |
37. Melodious | Tuneless |
38. Contaminate | Purify |
39. Frugal | Extravagant |
40. Falling off | Improvement |
41. Genial | Unkind |
42. Shallow | Deep |
43. Immune | Vulnerable |
44. Veneration | Disrespect |
45. Yield to | Resist |
46. Concur | Disagree |
47. Vague | Precise |
48. Humility | Pride |
49. Extol | Censure |
50. Takes off | Lands |
51. Demolish | Build |
52. Prevent | Induce |
53. Frailty | Strength |
54. Collapse | Rise |
55. Anxious | Carefree |
56. Thrifty | Wasteful |
57. Innovate | Copy |
58. Enduring | Fleeting |
59. Progressive | Retrogressive |
60. Purposely | Unintentionally |
61. Brave | Timid |
62. Opaque | Transparent |
63. Hinder | Encourage |
64. Zeal | Apathy |
65. Shimmering | Gloomy |
66. Plausible | Implausible/Unbelievable |
67. Flair | Inability |
68. Dormant | Active |
69. Hazy | Clear |
70. Fantastic | Ordinary |
71. Asceticism | Luxury |
72. Dissolution | Establishment |
73. Unnerved | Confident |
74. Harmony | Disagreement |
75. Guilty | Innocent |
76. Duplicity | Honesty |
77. Jocular | Morose |
78. Uncompromising | Flexible |
79. Desecration | Consecration |
80. Far-fetched | Realistic |
81. Parallel | Crooked |
82. Blocked | Facilitated |
83 Turn coat | Loyal |
84. Embellish | Spoil |
85. Intentional | Accidental |
86. Expand | Contract |
87. Stimulate | Discourage |
88. Perilous | Safe |
89. Audacious | Timid |
90. Quiet | Pandemonium |
91. Genuine | Fictitious |
92. Implicit | Explicit |
93. Repulsive | Attractive |
94. Escalate | Decrease |
95. Commotion | Tranquility |
96. Manifested | Concealed |
97. Vindictive | Forgiving |
98. Inaugurate | Terminate |
99. Detest | Like |
100. Commence | Conclude |
Most common opposite word in English
about | exactly |
above | below |
absence | presence |
abundance | lack |
accept | refuse |
accidental | intentional |
active | lazy |
add | subtract |
admit | deny |
adult | child |
advanced | elementary |
affirmative | negative |
afraid | brave |
after | before |
against | for |
agree | refuse |
alike | different |
alive | dead |
all | none |
allow | forbid |
already | not yet |
always | never |
amateur | professional |
amuse | bore |
ancestor | descendant |
ancestor | descendant |
ancient | modern |
angel | devil |
animal | human |
annoy | satisfy |
answer | ask |
answer | question |
antonym | synonym |
apart | together |
approximately | exactly |
argue | agree |
arrest | free |
arrival | departure |
arrive | depart |
artificial | natural |
ascent | descent |
ask | answer |
asleep | awake |
attack | defend |
attack | defence |
attic | cellar |
autumn | spring |
awake | asleep |
awful | nice |
back | in front of |
background | foreground |
backward | forward |
bad | good |
bad luck | fortune |
beautiful | ugly |
beauty | ugliness |
before | after |
begin | end |
beginning | end |
behind | in front of |
below | above |
best | worst |
better | worse |
big | small |
birth | death |
bitter | sweet |
black | white |
blunt | sharp |
body | soul |
bore | amuse |
boring | exciting |
borrow | lend |
bottom | top |
boy | girl |
brave | cowardly |
break | fix |
broad | narrow |
brother | sister |
build | destroy |
busy | lazy |
buy | sell |
calm | excited |
careful | careless |
careless | careful |
catch | miss |
ceiling | floor |
cellar | attic |
centre | outskirts |
certainly | probably |
changeable | constant |
cheap | expensive |
child | adult |
children | parents |
clean | dirty |
clear | cloudy |
clever | stupid |
close | open |
closed | open |
cloudy | clear |
cold | hot |
cold | heat |
come | go |
comedy | drama |
complicated | simple |
compliment | insult |
compulsory | voluntary |
connect | separate |
consonant | vowel |
constant | changeable |
construction | destruction |
continue | interrupt |
cool | warm |
correct | wrong |
courage | fear |
courageous | cowardly |
cowardly | brave |
create | destroy |
cruel | human |
cry | whisper |
cry | laugh |
damage | repair |
danger | security |
dangerous | safe |
dark | light |
daughter | son |
dawn | dusk |
day | night |
dead | alive |
death | birth |
deep | shallow |
defeat | victory |
defence | attack |
defend | attack |
delicious | awful |
deny | admit |
depart | arrive |
departure | arrival |
descendant | ancestor |
descent | ascent |
desperate | hopeful |
destroy | build |
destruction | construction |
devil | angel |
dictatorship | republic |
die | live |
different | alike |
difficult | easy |
dirty | clean |
disease | health |
distant | near |
divide | unite |
division | unity |
divorce | marry |
divorce | marriage |
divorced | married |
domestic | foreign |
down | up |
downstairs | upstairs |
drama | comedy |
dry | humid |
dull | interesting |
dusk | dawn |
early | late |
east | west |
easy | difficult |
elementary | advanced |
emigrate | immigrate |
emigration | immigration |
empty | full |
end | begin |
end | beginning |
ending | beginning |
enemy | friend |
enjoy | hate |
enter | leave |
entrance | exit |
equal | different |
even | odd |
evening | morning |
everybody | nobody |
everything | nothing |
exactly | approximately |
excited | calm |
exciting | boring |
exclude | include |
exit | entrance |
expensive | cheap |
export | import |
exposure | shelter |
extreme | moderate |
fail | succeed |
failure | success |
far | near |
fast | slow |
fat | slim |
fear | courage |
female | male |
few | many |
final | first |
find | lose |
finish | begin |
finish | start |
first | final |
fix | break |
flat | hilly |
floor | ceiling |
follow | lead |
for | against |
forbid | allow |
foreground | background |
foreign | domestic |
foreigner | native |
forget | remember |
form | destroy |
fortune | bad luck |
forward | backward |
free | arrest |
freeze | melt |
frequently | occasionally |
fresh | old/stale |
friend | enemy |
front | rear |
full | empty |
funny | serious |
future | past |
general | particular |
generous | mean |
gentle | violent |
gentleman | lady |
giant | tiny |
girl | boy |
give | take |
go | come |
good | bad |
grown-up | child |
guest | host |
guilty | innocent |
happiness | sadness |
in front of | back |
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